If God was a Girl by Lizette Tapia-Raquel

If God was a girl, every girl will be treated like God
Every girl will be awaited in her coming, and her birth will be celebrated by all creation.
Every girl will be nurtured, respected and honored for her innate power.
Every girl will be spoken tenderly to and listened to whenever she speaks.
Every girl will not be insulted, slapped or hurt by a father, a brother, an aunt or her mother.
Every girl will be safe in her home and wherever she goes, and will never fear for her life.
Every girl can be a leader, an artist, a dancer, a poet, a priestess.
Every girl can have a dream and pursue it.
Every girl can say "no" and "yes" and change her situation.
Every girl will love who she loves and make decisions for her own body.
Every girl will know that she has power and empowers others whoever they may be.
So imagine God as a girl. It will make us all kinder, respectful, liberating and empowering.

-Lizette Tapia-Raquel

Photo is author's daughter at 3 years old / Manila.
